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Slip and Fall

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Evidence in Slip-and-Fall Cases

slippery sign
Slip-and-fall accidents are among the most common types of preventable accidents that happen each year. In 2014 alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that seven million older adults were injured in falls. People of any age can ...
Files under: Slip and Fall

Motorcycle Accident Compensation: How Much Can You Expect?

Riding on a motorcycle brings many people a sense of freedom, exhilaration, and joy. But sadly, people are more likely to be seriously injured or killed when they are involved in motorcycle accidents. According to data from the National Highway Traffic ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Spoliation of Evidence in Vehicle Collisions

tack of white papers in front of black background
Once a lawsuit is filed following a serious injury in a motor vehicle collision, both parties are required to exchange all of the evidence that they have during the discovery process. However, some defendants may try to destroy, alter, or ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Understanding the Discovery Process in a Lawsuit

Overhead shot of table
When a lawsuit gets underway, there is a period of time during which the attorneys involved begin investigating and gathering information related to the lawsuit. This phase is known as the discovery process because attorneys often bring to light important facts ...
Files under: Personal Injury

How to Find the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Man Riding Motorcycle During Beautiful Sunset
Many Missourians enjoy riding motorcycles for recreation and transportation, but unfortunately, motorcyclists involved in collisions are much more likely to suffer catastrophic injuries than people in passenger vehicles. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 4,985 motorcyclists were killed ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Does Health Insurance Cover Auto Accidents?

Close-up of health insurance claim form beneath stethoscope and pen
If you’re injured in a car collision caused by someone else, you might wonder who is responsible for paying for your treatment. Will your auto insurance policy or the at-fault driver’s insurance policy be responsible? Does health insurance cover auto ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Factors in Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Do you sometimes feel a little anxious maneuvering around gigantic semi-trucks on the highway? Your fears aren’t unfounded. Tractor-trailer collisions are among the most dangerous types of accidents that happen in Missouri. Compared to other types of collisions, they’re much more ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Truck Driver Fatigue

By and large, most professional drivers of large trucks are very responsible and follow all of the safety rules. On the occasions when rules are broken, statistics show that there are extreme top-down pressures from management placed upon drivers that ...
Files under: Personal Injury

How to Prevent Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcyclist driving on wooded road with light on
Although motorcycles provide an irresistible sense of freedom, they are unfortunately not as crashworthy as closed vehicles. In fact, the Insurance Information Institute reports that motorcyclists are 27 times more likely to be killed in accidents than the occupants of ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Does Health Insurance Cover Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

Were you recently injured on your motorcycle in a collision caused by someone else? You might be wondering how you will pay for your medical care. After all, until your claim is settled, your motorcycle insurance company and the other ...
Files under: Personal Injury