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Injuries Covered by Workers’ Compensation

Worker's compensation form
Workers’ compensation is designed to help protect workers. It assists employees who are injured or who contract conditions or diseases at their job or because of their workplace environment. Some people mistakenly believe that workers’ compensation only covers injuries that ...

Car Accident Claim Tips

Car accident on a highway
When involved in a collision, it is common to feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do. To ensure that you don’t make a disastrous mistake, keep a copy of these car accident claim tips in your glove box. If ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Things to Know Before and After a Motorcycle Accident

motorbike accident
Motorcycle accidents can cause devastating injuries and substantial financial losses. Unlike other motorists, motorcyclists have little to protect them when they are struck by other vehicles. The occupants of cars, SUVs, and trucks have some protection because of the metal ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

An accident between a red car and a semi-truck
Whether you call them semi-trucks, semi-trailers, tractor-trailers, big rigs, eighteen-wheelers, or simply semis, due to their massive weight and size, large commercial trucks can cause catastrophic injuries and fatalities when they crash into other vehicles. According to the Department of Transportation, ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Workers’ Compensation Retaliation

worker's compensation
Are you worried that your employer will retaliate against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim, perhaps through a demotion or termination? In most states, it is illegal for employers to punish workers who file workers’ compensation claims. So if ...

Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcyclists face numerous dangers as they travel on roads and highways. When involved in accidents with other types of vehicles, motorcyclists are much likelier to suffer fatalities or catastrophic injuries. Unlike the occupants of cars, vans, trucks, or SUVs, motorcyclists ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Legal Definition of Personal Injury

Personal injury claim written on paper, pinned to bulletin board
Each year, thousands of people are injured in different types of accidents, but not all injuries provide the grounds for filing a personal injury lawsuit. Injuries that arise from accidents that are caused by the negligence or wrongful actions of ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Types of Damages in a Car Accident Claim

Three cars involved in an accident on a city street
When a motorist causes a car accident due to negligence, an injured victim may recover several different types of damages in a car accident claim. The damages that may be recovered will depend on the extent of the injuries and ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Lawsuits Against Trucking Companies

Mirroring the landscape chrome tank truck moving on a highway
Collisions with large trucks can be catastrophic because of the sheer forces involved. The size and weight of these vehicles mean that they often cause debilitating injuries and deaths when they are involved in accidents. According to the Federal Motor ...
Files under: Personal Injury

Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death Claims

wrongful death printed on paper near gavel
Each year in Missouri, a number of people are killed in incidents that are caused by the negligent or wrongful actions of others. When a person is killed, a wrongful death lawsuit may be filed against the negligent party in ...
Files under: Wrongful Death