Symptoms of a Whiplash Injury
Whiplash injuries are among the most common types of injuries that can happen in car accidents. According to researchers, more than 1.2 million people in the U.S. go to the emergency department for the treatment of whiplash-associated disorders every year. ...
Files under: Personal Injury
Can You File for Workers’ Compensation for an Injury That Developed Over Time?
Missouri has a workers’ compensation system in place through which employees who suffer workplace injuries or develop occupational diseases can obtain benefits. While most people understand that workers’ compensation might pay benefits for on-the-job injuries from sudden accidents, including falls, ...
Files under: Personal Injury
Can Social Media Hurt My Workers’ Compensation Claim?
For many, social media is a nearly indispensable part of modern life. Most people are active on one or more platforms, and according to Statista, Facebook alone is expected to have over 260 million users in the U.S. in 2027. ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
Can I File a Workers’ Compensation Case If I Contracted COVID?
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant harm and strain on people around the world, including here in Missouri. Unfortunately, many people are exposed to the novel coronavirus at their jobs. If you contracted COVID-19 at work, you might wonder whether ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
How to Win a Workers’ Compensation Appeal
If you’re injured on the job or learn that your medical condition was caused by your working conditions, you are entitled to pursue workers’ compensation benefits. Unfortunately, some employers and insurers fight workers’ compensation claims. Your employer might dispute your ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
How to Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits
The workers’ compensation system is designed to provide benefits to employees who are injured at work or develop occupational medical conditions. If you were hurt at your job or learned that your medical condition was caused by the conditions in ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
Missouri Workers’ Compensation FAQs
In Missouri, the Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law governs the rights of employees who are injured or sickened because of accidents or conditions at their jobs. Under the state’s system, employees who are injured or sickened because of their jobs have ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
Can You Sue If You Accept Workers’ Compensation?
Each year in Missouri, many people are injured while they are working at their jobs. If you were injured in a workplace accident, you might wonder, “Can you sue if you accept workers’ compensation?” Scroll down to learn more about ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
How to Properly Report a Work Injury
If you are injured at work, you might be entitled to recover workers’ compensation benefits. Missouri employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance or to self-insure to protect the safety of their employees. The workers’ compensation system does not ...
Files under: Workers' Compensation
What If a Car Accident Aggravated a Pre-Existing Condition?
In general, accident victims are not allowed to pursue damages for their pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. However, if your car accident aggravated a pre-existing condition, you can seek damages that arise from the worsening of your medical condition. That ...
Files under: Personal Injury