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Personal Injury

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How to Qualify for Workers’ Compensation Benefits

Two professionals shaking hands over desk, workers compensation form on desk
The workers’ compensation system is designed to provide benefits to employees who are injured at work or develop occupational medical conditions. If you were hurt at your job or learned that your medical condition was caused by the conditions in ...

Missouri Workers’ Compensation FAQs

Close-up of businessperson typing on computer with one hand in cast
In Missouri, the Missouri Workers’ Compensation Law governs the rights of employees who are injured or sickened because of accidents or conditions at their jobs. Under the state’s system, employees who are injured or sickened because of their jobs have ...

Can You Sue If You Accept Workers’ Compensation?

unhappy young worker looking at computer
Each year in Missouri, many people are injured while they are working at their jobs. If you were injured in a workplace accident, you might wonder, “Can you sue if you accept workers’ compensation?” Scroll down to learn more about ...

How to Properly Report a Work Injury

Young man sitting on couch with laptop, his leg in cast
If you are injured at work, you might be entitled to recover workers’ compensation benefits. Missouri employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance or to self-insure to protect the safety of their employees. The workers’ compensation system does not ...

What If a Car Accident Aggravated a Pre-Existing Condition?

Man with pained expression sitting in driver's seat, holding back
In general, accident victims are not allowed to pursue damages for their pre-existing medical conditions or injuries. However, if your car accident aggravated a pre-existing condition, you can seek damages that arise from the worsening of your medical condition. That ...
Files under: Personal Injury

The Most Important Car Accident Evidence

Man taking a photo of car accident damage using cell phone
Car accidents are an unfortunately common part of life. In 2020, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reported that a total of 131,390 collisions occurred, resulting in 47,894 injuries and 987 fatalities. If you are involved in a collision that was ...
Files under: Personal Injury

How Does Having an Attorney Help Me Get Full Benefits?

Close-up of attorney at desk, writing, open book, gavel
If you have been injured while working on the job or have learned that your medical condition was caused by your work conditions, you can file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits in Missouri. As you prepare to file your ...
Files under: Personal Injury

My Workers’ Compensation Claim Seems Indisputable. Do I Need an Attorney?

cropped attorney with hands clasped on desk, behind scales of justice
If you’ve been injured while working in Missouri, you might ask yourself whether it’s necessary to hire a workers’ compensation lawyer. Many injured workers wonder, “Do I need an attorney?” Some large local employers even advise their injured employees not ...

What to Do If You Injure Your Back at Work

diagram of human spinal cord and vertebra
Back injuries are some of the most common injuries that workers report occurring because of their work duties. Back injuries can be severe and require prompt treatment and diagnosis to determine if the injury is soft tissue in nature, or ...

What to Look for in a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

lawyer putting documents in briefcase, gavel on desk, books behind
If you were injured while working at your job or have learned that your medical condition is related to your work conditions, you might be entitled to file a workers’ compensation claim with your employer’s insurance carrier. In most cases, ...